


PG Lovely Angels Escape

Palani Games - PG Lovely Angels Escape Game is another point and clicks escape game developed by PalaniGames. In a dense forest, a kind-hearted angel found itself trapped in a mystical cage, unable to fly free. The angel's radiant wings fluttered sadly against the confining bars, yearning for liberation. One moonlit night, a gentle breeze whispered a secret to the angel, revealing the key to its freedom. With renewed hope, the angel listened attentively and discovered that love was the key to unlock its ethereal prison. Harnessing the power of compassion, the angel unleashed a torrent of unconditional love, shattering the cage into a thousand fragments. Ascending into the heavens, the angel's radiant glow illuminated the forest, spreading joy and healing to all beings. Forever grateful, the forest whispered tales of the angel's miraculous escape to future generations, inspiring them to cherish love and embrace freedom.

PG Lovely Angels Escape Walkthrough